Novus Via
Music Group Inc.
Novus Via
Music Group Inc.
Level Six
•Melodies involve an increasing range of simple scale-type crossings and position changes. The melody is often found on top of triads.
•Harmonies become more sophisticated but textures are still relatively uncomplicated, with minimal inner voices.
•Rhythm includes syncopation involving ties, rests and shifting accents. Minimal use of 16th notes.
•Technical Requirements call for increasing speed, lightness and a broader range of dynamics. Some use of octaves.
•Improvisation expands skill set to include basic “vamping” skills; adds step-by-step building blocks for basic melodic and vamp construction; introduces terminology and labels for scales, modes, and jazz chord notation (charts).
Comparable Pieces from the Classical Repertoire
Bach - selections from Anna Magdelena Bach Book
Clementi - Sonatinas, Op. 36 #2 and #3
Schumann - easier (but not easiest!)pieces from Album for the Young Op. 68
Bartok - easier pieces from For Children, Sz. 43